China strongly opposes US arms sales to Taiwan | urging withdrawal
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China strongly opposes US arms sales to Taiwan: China is mad at the US But also, weapons being sold to Taiwan? It looked like a kid who was denied his or her toy.

They are telling the US to pack up their toys and go home. It is the global level of an argument in the playground.

China, though, is just plain old jealous that all the focus has been on Taiwan. It is as though perhaps they desire to be the single youngster in the family.

China strongly opposes US arms sales to Taiwan, urging withdrawal

China strongly opposes US arms sales to Taiwan

China strongly opposes US arms sales to Taiwan, urging withdrawal

China is not happy with U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, that is exactly how it is. Actually no they are very against it and demand the US withdraw

their support. That would be like

telling a friend that there is just one slice of pizza left, so don’t eat it.

China for a change, is calling a spade a spade. It’s your mommy throwing you that you’re-busted-out-past-your-curfew-disappointed face, only much, much bigger.

This is like the last piece of chocolate cake on the table and everyone wants some but no, more for me. China is in its position as well for its feelings.

Reasons behind China’s opposition to arms sales

  • Second, the reasons for China’s strong opposition to US arms sales to Taiwan.
  • China says such arms sales go against its sovereignty and territorial integrity and only put tensions in the region on the rise.
  • Devlin Barrett in Washington and Sophia Yan in Beijing – The Washington Post -Publication date: March 10 Number of words: 979 Original headline: Huawei sues U. supporters of China rivaling business China violates international norms, suit claims United calls Trump announcement illegal Editor’s note: STORY on United Technologies takeover bidScroll to continue with content Ad Chinese view sale as interference in internal affairs Scroll to continue with content AdThe Chinese government considers such sales an improper intervention in its internal affairs, and thus, a breach of international norms.
  • In addition, since China is worried that the arms that are sold to Taiwan could be used against them in the future, it would have an impact on the national security of China.
  • Secondly, the weapons transfers are also seen by China as a means for the US to cultivate its ability to survive in the region, opposing to China’s desire to remain an all-powerful regional factor.
China strongly opposes US arms sales to Taiwan, urging withdrawal

China strongly opposes US arms sales to Taiwan

Consequences of US arms sales on China-Taiwan relations

Given the delicate nature of the relationship between China and Taiwan, it is inevitable the selling of American arms will fuel the fire of subversive undermining of the status quo in cross-strait relations. A kick-off for the fire, just quantity of weapons rather than petroleum. America does not need to complicate the dispute between the two countries which is already on the edge of a mirage.

China views Taiwan as a sovereign region while Taiwan views itself as a state. This is the quintessential back-and-forth, tug-of-war that never ends as both sides simply will not negotiate their grip on the rope. U.S. arms sales to the United States are only putting China and Taiwan further away from finding common ground.

After each new arms sales, China is suffering an increasing sense of fulfillment, as of that water in the pot boiling away on the stove. All of this would come to a head sooner rather than later, and no one wants to see what would happen when that time arrived. To the US, it may look as if it is helping Taiwan, but in reality, it is only catalyzing a sea of trouble for everyone.

China strongly opposes US arms sales to Taiwan, urging withdrawal

China strongly opposes US arms sales to Taiwan

International response to China’s call for withdrawal

Multiple savage feedback arguments of the Chinese return invitation had responses both serious and downright comical. Other countries are looking at you in a vaguely puzzled way. It is the teleconference version of the whispering game. But instead of whispers, it is diplomatic statements that go from subject to subject.

Exiting a nation means creating an exit statement for another nation. Or playing chess on a board rigged with explosives, dutifully trying to keep from blowing apart in as elegant a way as possible. Is the Ball in America’s Court or Will the U.S. Retreat in the Face of the Chinese Challenge?

He said she said it goes global. Like a rubber band pulled as tight as was possible, the tension is palpable. Do you think China will make the mother of all snapbacks, or is the US going to stick to its guns on arms sales to Taiwan?

Key Takeaways

China’s opposition to

U.S. arms sales to Taiwan have always been resolute, urging the United States to immediately withdraw equipment to Taiwan. To me, it symbolizes the cemetery, which is international politics and [……] the balance of power in […]It is a chess game, and every move is planned to keep the edge. At the end of the day, it is the people stuck in between who suffer most from the political Philippines.

But when the world sits on a knife-edge, let us all hope for calm acceptance and reasoned heads that can talk their way down from the brink. I mean, we’re only here to help each other through it all – one diplomatic kerfluffle at a time.

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